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From 2010 on, the activities of the ECPM are financially supported by the European Parliament. The liability for any communication or publication by the ECPM, in any form and any medium, rests with the ECPM. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Mindaugas Puidokas

Mindaugas Puidokas is a Lithuanian politician currently serving his second term in the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament). He is president of the LKDP (Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party).

In the Seimas, Puidokas served as deputy chair on the Committee on European Affairs. Currently, he is a member of the Committee on Health Affairs. In 2019, he ran for the presidential elections in Lithuania. Puidokas is married and has two children.

He earned a doctorate degree in political science from the Kaunas University of Technology and worked as associate professor and lecturer for several years. He also worked as journalist and was director of basketball club ‘Kaunas Atletas’. Puidokas (co-)founded several projects such as platform ‘Rytojaus Lietuva’, which brings together students, teachers, lecturers and young professionals of various fields; Academic Cognitive Science Club (Kaunas University); and Olympiad of Political Scientists. He also served on the board of the Academic Club of Political Scientists and the Lithuanian Atlantic Treaty Association.

Puidokas, together with the LKDP, is committed to promoting and defending Christian values. In particular, the rights of the family and children. They aspire to build a nationwide movement which fights for traditional Christian values.

From 2010 on, the activities of the ECPM are financially supported by the European Parliament. The liability for any communication or publication by the ECPM, in any form and any medium, rests with the ECPM. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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